How to create a new webMethods Integration Server instance

In newer versions of the webMethods suite, you can install multiple instances of Integration Server into a single installation. Some central packages will be re-used in every instance. However, administration of the instances may be a bit harder, as these packages have to be updated manually, e.g. in case of a version update or fix installation.

Here is how to setup a new Integration Server instance (ISDIR points to the Integration Server directory, e.g. C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer):

  1. Run ISDIR\instances\is_instance.bat create -Dprimary.port=5550 -Ddiagnostic.port=9990 -Djmx.port=8077 -Dlicense.file=C:\license.xml
    This will start an Ant build that creates the new IS instance under instances\testIS1. Of course, you may need to adjust the parameters according to your needs.
  2. If the build finishes successfully, the instance can be started with ISDIR\instances\testIS1\bin\startup.bat. You should now be able to connect to localhost:5550 and see the administration page for your new instance:
    Administration page for the newly created Integration Server instance
  3. If you want to install the new instance as a Windows service, you can run ISDIR\instances\testIS1\support\win32\installSvc.bat:
    Create a new service for the newly created Integration Server instance
    You should now see another IS service:
    The service for the the newly created Integration Server instance
  4. You should also see the new instance in Command Central. A refresh or a restart of the platform manager may be needed.
    The newly created Integration Server instance in Command Central

4 thoughts on “How to create a new webMethods Integration Server instance”

  1. Hi,
    what is jmx port here and what is the use of this, after creating the instance where will I be able to see this. what is default jmx port?


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