Automating Your Natural Build Process – Legacy Coder Podcast #2

How can you automate the build process for your application based on Software AG’s Adabas and Natural? I talk about our journey towards a completely automated build from scratch after each push to Git in the second episode of the Legacy Coder Podcast.

How to automate the build process for an Adabas/Natural application

  • Why would I want to automate the build process?
    • What hurts should be done more often!
    • No more long integration phases before each release!
    • You’ll get a faster time to market for new features.
    • You can get rid of knowledge silos concerning the release of your application.
  • What steps may need to be automated?
    • Upload (transfering the Natural source code to the server)
    • Compile (CATALOG, STOW, CATALL etc.)
    • Unit Tests (e.g. with NatUnit, see Unit Testing Natural Applications)
    • Deployment (the actual release of the new version on the target stage)
    • Restarting RPC servers or whatever individual steps might be necessary in your environment
  • What tools are available for automating the Natural build process?
    • It all starts with Git or any other versioning control system (Subversion, TFS, CVS).
    • You can use Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
    • Software AG’s command line tools (ftouch etc.) can be scripted.
    • Even the CATALL can be scripted by calling into Natural BATCHMODE.
    • NaturalONE’s ant scripts for uploading and compiling Natural sources.
    • Any additional tool that you might need (Bash scripts etc.)
  • How can I get started?
    • Make your project fully compilable. There can be no compile errors whatsoever.
    • Start with a single step, e.g. automate only the compile step first.
    • Script everything (e.g. with Bash) right from the beginning. You can easily call these scripts from Jenkins later on.
    • Hook Jenkins up to your source code repository. It provides plugins for every major system (e.g. Git, Subversion).
    • Try to automate the build with Jenkins. It’s completely free and easy to setup. Perhaps ask a Java colleague if he can help you.
  • How can you go even further than what’s possible today?
    • Try to automate imports of Adabas data that’s important for your application.
    • Try to automate Adabas schema migrations.
    • Implement feature toggles for more fine grained control over your application’s functionality at runtime.

Recommended reading


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