How to call a REST service in webMethods Integration Server from Java

After publishing a REST Resource in webMethods Integration Server and giving it a nice logical URL, you may want to call the service from a Java program. Here’s how to do this using the Jersey framework. Automatically testing a REST Resource On top of my unit tests for plain old Flow services (as introduced in … Read more

How to configure a URL Alias for a REST Resource in webMethods Integration Server

After I created my first REST Resource in webMethods Integration Server, I immediately saw potential for improvement regarding the URL under which it was made accessible: http://localhost:5555/rest/ExamplePackage/Resources/Session The default URL always starts with rest followed by the fully qualified name of the REST Resource. What bugs me is the latter: the path exposes the internal … Read more

Best practices for structuring packages in webMethods Integration Server

When I started out implementing services in webMethods Integration Server, I didn’t really know how to structure my packages. I lacked the experience in what should go where and which resources are best grouped together. So I ended up with a different folder structure for all my packages. At this point, finding the resource I … Read more

Avoid Redundancy! – Lessons Learned from SOA-fying a Monolith

One of the two main lessons I learned while SOA-fying our monolithic application was: Avoid redundancy. We started out implementing the data structures for our services by hand. This means, I had to create the same data structure over and over again in different systems. For example, a simple Webservice for reading a person from … Read more

SOAP is dead – Lessons Learned from SOA-fying a Monolith

I’ll continue my series of blog posts regarding the lessons we learned while SOA-fying our monolithic Adabas/Natural application with a more technical lesson: SOAP is dead. This may be a harsh statement, taking into account that we started out with Webservices based on SOAP and at the moment our whole infrastructure is based on it. … Read more

Test everything! – Lessons Learned from SOA-fying a Monolith

Another lesson we learned while making our legacy application ready for a service-oriented architecture, is this: Test everything. When I started out writing Flow services in webMethods Integration Server (IS), there was no (nice) way of automatically testing them. Although we were told multiple times by consultants, that there would be a test framework for … Read more

Make use of Diversity – Lessons Learned from SOA-fying a Monolith

One of the lessons we learned while SOA-fying our legacy application (an Adabas/Natural monolith, that is almost 20 years old) is: Make use of diversity. When we designed the central interface for our service modules, we made sure that developers with different backgrounds worked together on the design team. For example, we had older and … Read more

SOA-fying a Monolith – Innovation World 2015

My talk for Software AG’s Innovation World 2015 in Las Vegas got accepted and is already visible on the agenda: Lessons Learned from SOA-fying a Monolithic Legacy Application. How do you modernize a monolithic legacy application to meet the requirements of today’s service-oriented world? In this talk, Stefan Macke shares his insights from SOA-fying a … Read more

How to test JMS processing in webMethods/Terracotta Universal Messaging and Integration Server with SoapUI and HermesJMS

Universal Messaging is the default messaging component used by webMethods Integration Server. Here is a short tutorial how you can test JMS processing using SoapUI and HermesJMS. SOAPUIDIR points to the installation directory of SoapUI, e.g. C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3. NIRVANADIR points to the installation directory of Nirvana, e.g. C:\SoftwareAG\nirvana. Setup Universal Messaging First of all you … Read more