Error ISS.0088.9163 Could not retrieve WSDL for service in webMethods Integration Server

The following problem with webMethods Integration Server already occured twice in our environment, so I think it’s time to document the fix. When opening the generated WSD for a web service, I got the following error:

[ISS.0088.9163] Could not retrieve WSDL for service [...], WSD not found.

The problem was the URL generated by the web service index page (/ws/):

[ISS.0088.9163] Could not retrieve WSDL for service ..., WSD not found.

The colon – which is part of the service’s namespace – was encoded as an HTML entity and Integration Server could not find the correct WSD. This seems like a small problem, but some of our clients used this URL and weren’t able to call the service anymore. The solution is to set an extended setting in Integration Server:


After a restart of Integration Server, the URLs generated by the index page were correct again and both versions of the URL – whether with colon or entity – worked fine.

This problem occured once after installing Integration Server 9.5 Fix4 as described here: WSDL links are no longer working after installing 9.5 Fix4. And it also occured after upgrading Integration Server 9.5 to 9.7.

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