Introduction to the show and the host – Legacy Coder Podcast #0

Who is this guy and what the heck does he know about Software AG’s Adabas and Natural? I’ll show you in the pre-episode zero of the Legacy Coder Podcast.

Introduction to the podcast and myself

  • My experience with Adabas and Natural.
    • I’m programming with Natural since 2003.
    • I’m the president of the International Natural User Group since 2016.
    • I co-authored NatUnit (as part of my Master’s thesis) and L4N.
    • My main job is integrating Adabas/Natural into a modern SOA with webMethods Integration Server.
    • In the last few months I automated and modernized the Natural build process with Git, Jenkins, Java, and NaturalONE.
    • My biggest Natural project so far was the migration of an insurance system from Oracle/Java to Adabas/Natural.
    • I frequently speak at local and international user groups and conferences (e.g. Innovation World, Innovation Tour, IUG).
    • Our Natural code base: ~6 million LOC, ~19.000 modules.
  • My professional experience.
    • I studied business computer science (Bachelor’s degree) and software engineering (Master’s degree).
    • I train new hires and apprentices at ALTE OLDENBURGER Krankenversicherung AG in Germany.
    • I also use a few additional languages: Java, C#, PHP, Ruby.
    • I’m a software architect since 2014.
    • I work as an associate professor for programming and software engineering at PHWT since 2009.
  • My personal life.
    • I’m married.
    • I have two dogs.
    • I like taking photos.
    • I run a podcast for aspiring software developers in German.
    • I organize my own user group and conference for software developers.
    • You can find me almost everywhere: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram etc.


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