How to change the Java version for webMethods Integration Server

Changing the Java version under which webMethods Integration Server runs and compiles Java services is quite easy (after you searched for hours for the right files to change ;-)). You can check which version your Integration Server uses on the About page:

webMethods Integration Server About page: Java Version

Here’s how to change the version for Integration Server (in my case version 9.7 running on Windows Server 2012):

  1. Install the new JVM on the server Integration Server runs on, e.g. into C:\Program Files.
  2. In the Extended Settings of your Integration Server, set watt.server.compile to the new JVM, e.g. watt.server.compile=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\javac -classpath {0} -d {1} {2}
    webMethods Integration Server Extended Settings: watt.server.compile
  3. Shutdown Integration Server.
  4. Edit [SAG]\profiles\IS_default\configuration\custom_wrapper.conf and add (or change) the setting, e.g.\Dev\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\java
  5. Deregister the Windows service (as Administrator) with [SAG]\IntegrationServer\instances\default\support\win32\installSvc.bat unreg:
    Unregister webMethods Integration Server Windows service
  6. Register the Windows service (as Administrator) with [SAG]\IntegrationServer\instances\default\support\win32\installSvc.bat:
    Register webMethods Integration Server Windows service
  7. Start Integration Server and check the About page for whether the new Java version was set correctly:
    webMethods Integration Server About page: Java Version

3 thoughts on “How to change the Java version for webMethods Integration Server”

  1. Thank you for the very useful information.

    Just wondering if we have to follow some post configuration steps after we restart the server.

    Like for example do we need to recompile all the java services? Change the JVM settings? etc. If we have to follow any such can you please let me know


  2. Hi Arun,

    I didn’t do anything special after upgrading the Java version for our IS. The Java services should run as usual, as newer versions of the JVM should be downwards compatible.

    Best regards,

  3. Thanks for the details.

    As any normal application does to read the JAVA_HOME, this disabled server doesn’t even regard this variable. Such a shame on this expensive product.

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